Monday, October 6, 2008

Новата песен на Trivium - Kirisute Gomen

Trivium - Kirisute Gomen

: . Kirisute Gomen , ( 5 ) , , - . E : : 22

A Short Fanzine About Rocking

ASFAR (A short fanzine about rocking) is now on issue 22 and is just as good as ever. Featuring interviews and reviews with Cancer Bats, Misery Signals, The Dillinger Escape plan and a rather spiffing review with Brightons Hardcore Rock and Roll monster The Ghost of a Thousand featuring photos courtesy of yours truly. Check out the [...]

New Moon in Leo - Lughnassadh

New Moon in Leo - Lughnassadh A blessed Lughnassadh to all! NEW MOON/SOLAR ECLIPSE IN LEO/Lughnassadh Friday, August 1, 2008 - 3:13 am PDT/6:13 am EDT Sun and Moon joined at 9.32 Leo Leo New Moon/Solar Eclipse: Capture Your Hearts Desire! by Simone Butler August represents a major opportunity to awaken our hearts, gather our courage and commit to our purpose. The month opens with a total solar eclipse in Leo on the 1st. Eclipses signal a major shift in direction as new energetic path


Thursday, October 2, 2008



I have reached maximum information storage. My brain is fried. This project from hell is, well, hellish. My mind decided to shut down a few minutes ago. No more spreadsheets for Laura. No more meetings, no more thinking. No. More. I am recovering with these: Apparently I have a lot of long-lost twin sisters across the Internet. Amy is one of them. She pokes the bear and gets her dog drunk. Garfield Minus Garfield. Funnier without Garfield. Sometimes even poignant. Mark your calendars for N

Resistance 2: Big bosses small thinking. Do developers have *any* new ideas?

To qualify this, Resistance 2 will probably be one of the best games of the year, with pacing and set-pieces to rectify the flat structure of the promising, atmospheric, but limited and rushed original. But, but jee-sus could they maybe temper that with an original idea? That skyscraper-sized boss that stole the show at Sonys recent E3 conference (well, not so much stole, as saved)? Its the Cloverfield monster, reduced to an incomprehensively-linear, but exciting, level-long boss set-


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